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Company name: New UJA
Legal status : Simplified joint stock company with 2,000,000 euros in capital   
Head office : 100 avenue du Général Leclerc - 93500 Pantin
R.C.S. BOBIGNY: 889 120 580
Phone :
Website Editor: UJA
Host : AWS France

Editorial manager and director of publication 

Mr COHEN Salomon

Graphic design and development 

WEEBY - The E-commerce agency
100 rue de la Folie Méricourt
75011 PARIS

Site host

AWS France
SAS with € 2,173,800 in capital
52 rue du Port 92000 Nanterre

Technical information 

Our company undertakes to make its best efforts to secure access, consultation and use of the site (hereinafter "the Site") in accordance with the rules of use of the Internet.  The Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or the occurrence of an event beyond the control of our company and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance interventions necessary for the proper functioning of the Site.  Maintenance interventions can be carried out without prior warning to customers. The customer declares to accept the characteristics and the limits of the Internet, and in particular its technical performance, the response times to consult, interrogate or transfer data, and the risks related to the security of the communications. In this regard, the customer acknowledges that:

       its use of the site is at their own risk; the site is accessible to them "as is" and according to its availability;

       any material downloaded by the customer or obtained in any other way during the use of the site, is at their own risk;

       the customer is solely responsible for any damage to their computer or any loss of data resulting from downloading this material or consulting the site;

       it is therefore their responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and / or software from contamination by any viruses circulating through the site;

       no advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by the customer of our company or during the use of the Site, is likely to create guarantees not expressly provided for by our

Terms of Sales ;

       the customer is solely responsible for the use they makes of the site;

       the communication of its access codes or, in general, of any information deemed confidential is made under its own responsibility;

       it is up to the customer to take all necessary measures to ensure that the technical characteristics of their equipment allows them to consult the Site.

Personal data

The information and data concerning the customer are necessary for the management of their order and commercial relations with our company. They can be transmitted only to the companies which contribute to these relations such as those responsible for the execution of the orders for their payment in particular. This information and data is also kept for security purposes, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations, as well as to allow our company to improve and personalise the services it offers and the information it sends to its customers. 
In accordance with the Data Protection Act n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the customer has the right to access, rectify and delete personal data concerning them. All they have to do is write to our company at Customer Service (the contact details of which appear in Article 11 of our General Terms and Conditions of Sale), indicating their name, first name, address and, if applicable, their customer reference.   

Cookies and web beacons

 Cookies are small information files that a website can send to the hard drive of a personal computer for subsequent tracking. Certain personalised services on the Site use temporary cookies for their proper functioning and require the customer to accept these cookies. If the customer's personal computer browser is configured to refuse them, access to these services may be impaired or even impossible. The cookies used on the Site also make it possible to identify the products that the customer has purchased, and more generally his behaviour in terms of visits. This information is useful for better personalising the services, products, content, promotional offers and banners that appear on the Site. The customer can deactivate cookies or delete them using their browser options. As each browser is different, the customer is advised to consult the instructions for his browser to configure it to his liking. The shelf life of this information on the customer's computer is 12 months from the closure of the customer account.
Our company may also rely on web beacon technologies in order to better configure the Site for optimal service. A web beacon is a .GIF pixel file that allows a site to count the users who have viewed each page or who have activated certain cookies. These tags may be located on specific pages of the Site or may be included in promotional e-mails.  When a visitor accesses these pages, the system generates an anonymous signal for this visit, which can then be processed by our services or by our sales representatives. These web beacons work in synergy with cookies. The customer can, if his browser allows it, deactivate certain web beacons by rejecting the cookies associated with them.  


The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data and any other component of the site, by any means whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement without the publisher's authorisation.

in our shops (soon)

Free Delivery in our shops (soon)

freen in shops / see available shops in our selling agreement (CGV)

Deliveries & returns freen in shops / see available shops in our selling agreement (CGV)

3D Secure

Secured payment 3D Secure

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